Monday, May 21, 2012


I honestly wish you could see these blisters on my feet. Apparently when you run often, you get these stupid things on your feet and they hurt like hell. 


I had to wear loaded band-aids and double socks just to make my latest run. I'm guessing that maybe I should take a day off or so but when I get it in my head to run, I just have to do it. It's the weirdest thing. Would you have ever guessed in a million years that I would be motivated to run? Because I sure didn't. :) 

Running has become this interesting challenge for me. I've found myself pushing harder in each run to see how far I can actually go. My latest run was 4 miles! I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! My legs were burning and I was sweating like a hog but man alive, I DID IT. I never, ever, ever, ever thought that those words would ever come out of my mouth but now that they have, I want to push even further. :)Now, I'm definitely slooooooooooooooow  when running, but I'm doing it. AND THAT'S WHAT COUNTS. 

And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. 

I had just finished a long run and was gloriously basking away in the shower, singing loudly and thinking about what I had just accomplished. I instantly was overcome with so much emotion that I found myself sobbing in the shower. Not because I was tired or sad but because I could see God's hand in my life and how he has changed me and put me in the Yooper for a REASON. There have been so many moments when I look back and know God truly had a hand in everything I was doing, from my car to my house to my job and now to my weight loss. He wanted me up in the UP to make me the HEALTHIER AND STRONGER woman I am becoming. It's incredible to see how he is molding me and growing confidence in me and I had/have nothing to do with it! It's also incredible how I have completely and utterly failed at trusting him with everything pretty much daily and yet he assures me that he has plans for me and  wants to prosper me. How can I forget so quickly when he has truly done wonders for me? 

So today I'm urging you to rest in him because he is growing and changing you too. His timing is perfect and His love is miraculous. Trust that. Even when it's hard. I have no doubt that when you begin to reflect on your own life, you will see His powerful hand all over that beautiful life of yours. 

Here's to food, love, and God's amazing grace. 


Mini WW update:
After my results from last week, losing 3.2 pounds, I am inspired. (Although, I weigh in tomorrow and it's looking like I stayed this same this week. CRAP.) I'm running about 3 miles a day and drinking plenty of water. All good things but my eating has been up and down. I overcompensate with my eating, hoping that my running will balance my tendency to sometimes over-eat. It's an interesting combo that I struggle with daily. Anyone else have this stupid love/hate relationship with food?! 

Would you pray that I would push through and make my newest goal of 25 pounds by June 7th? I have 4 pounds to go! 


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

These {heels} were made for walkin'.

You can't help but love a new pair of heels. I don't know about you, but I feel more confident/sexier/excited/taller when I have them on. With weight loss, it makes my legs look so DAMMMMMNNNNNN enticing. :)  So, a couple of weeks ago, I decided to treat myself to these sweet wedges and man alive, I WANT TO WEAR THEM EVERYDAY. 

In other news, my mother called me a few weekends back to let me know that I have been signed up for a 5k this summer. To some of you, 3 miles sounds like nothing. But to me, LORDHAVEMERCYONMYSOUL is the only thing that could come to mind. I honestly couldn't imagine running 3 minutes let alone 3 miles. But God is good and showed me how my body has changed over the course of this past year. While I was in Holland this past weekend, I RAN, and yes without stopping, 2 miles!!!!! I honestly couldn't believe it. I was pretty giddy the rest of the day. I felt so confident. While my weight loss has been slooooooooooooooowww, my endurance has truly increased and I can't believe what I am capable of! WOOOOHHOOOOO! 

This only furthered my need to push myself, so last night I decided it would be a good idea to kick myself in the rear and do 2 straight hours of Cardio Jam and Zumba classes. Holy wow. I was sweating like no one's business. I came home, showered, and collapsed on my bed. Even if the scale tonight says I stayed the same, I will be SO happy with what I have been able to accomplish. I know it's not all about the numbers. It's my overall health. :) 

Speaking of all this working out, I'm actually about to go and take myself on a run. We shall see tonight how long I can go. :) Let's hope for another two miles. I've mapped it out on so I should be all set to go! I hope you are all doing well. Lots of love to you!
