Saturday, December 1, 2012

Yoga Pants.


I don't know about you all, but it's been cold and snowy for about a week straight. Thank goodness for electric blankets and car starters. BURRRR! I guess this is what I get for moving to the U.P. Ohhhh man.

Needless to say, it makes it even more difficult to gain any type of motivation when I leave and the sun is just coming up and come home well after the sun has gone down. Man alive. It's TOUGH. Every morning I say to myself, "Today's the day when you're going to kick ass and take names." No joke. I think about all of the things I can do to burn a few extra calories and yet they almost always seem to end up at the bottom of my priority list. This, my friends, cannot and will not happen all winter long. I can make all of the excuses I want but when it comes right down to it, the secret isn't really in the yoga pants or that new dress I've been wanting to buy, it's within me.

I am really working on becoming accountable to myself. I'm working to better myself FOR myself. I don't need a man's approval. I don't need my co-workers/family/friends dictating my moods. I need to look inside myself and understand the real reason I started this journey a little more than a year ago.

I want more than anything to be healthy and happy.

I want to glorify Christ with my body, mind, and soul.

And that's what I am striving to be.

I'm doing this to be the 24 year old I know I am capable of being. 50 pounds took a lot of hard work and I'm not going to squander it with lies that the devil wants to fill my head with. Again, I need to be losing weight for the right reasons. Not for anyone or anything else. It's a lesson I have to learn daily.

So for those of you wanting to shed some extra pounds this holiday season. HERE'S TO YOU. I know you are more than capable of doing just that. Know your worth is in Christ. Know that no one is perfect. There isn't a perfect body or the perfect goal weight. It's ultimately about feeling your best. And when you feel your best, I can say from experience, you look your best. Take it one day at a time. It's not overnight that these changes happen. Because trust me, I've still got a long way to go.

So here's to wearing those yoga pants that make your legs look lean. 

Here's to treating yourself to a hot cup of coffee from Starbucks.

Here's to treating yourself right and knowing that you're WONDERFULLY made.

Here's to understanding that God's got a plan.

and here's to the best friends a girl could ask for.

I love you!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fall Frenzy

Hi Beautiful Friends, 

Gosh, where has the time gone? I can't believe I haven't updated you all in 2 months. I'm hoping this means that I've done a better job talking to you all in person or chatting with you on the phone. :) 

Let's get down to the nitty gritty. 

1) School started and it's like I have halted any progression I have made in losing any weight. I have rarely been home in time to run outside while it's still light and you know I am not a morning person so getting up at 5 or so doesn't sound pleasant, whatsoever. BLAH. That actually sounds like the worst thing ever. I keep saying to myself that tomorrow will be better and yet, I'm making the same choices over and over. Do you see how this is a never ending battle? It's a constant-daily-I-wish-I-didn't-have-this-problem problem. So for those of you reading this feeling much the same way, I AM RIGHT THERE WITH YA SISTA. Seriously. It's a lifestyle change that is never ending. It's not always easy but I love the results I see and how I am feeling and that is what drives me forward. 

2) As most of you know, my Grandpa died last weekend and that was a huge factor in my bad habits this past week. People are so wonderful and have been bringing over incredible food. I CAN'T STOP EATING. Oh my word. I am reverting back to comfort. I need to change that habit quick. My goal in the next couple of weeks is to really get back on the band wagon. I need to keep going. 

3) Success sharing: I am currently 50 pounds lighter than I was at my heaviest! BAH! I can't even believe it. It's taken me so long to get here and there are many more pounds to go, but man alive. It's one day at a time. Thanks for keeping me real. 

4) Thanks for keeping me accountable. It means more to me than you know. 


Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Runners World


Gosh! Where has the summer gone?! I'm honestly feeling like I was swept up in a blur of craziness and now I have two weeks left until I get back into the grind. WOAHHHH. I don't know if I'm ready for the move back up north, but it's coming whether or not I want it to. 

This summer, much like I expected, was harder to lose the weight. Funny enough, it wasn't because I wasn't exercising because I LOVED GETTING OUTSIDE, but the food really got me. I had so many "cheat" moments and felt myself getting out of control too many times to count. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. While the fruits and veggies were definitely part of the mix, I had family parties, fruity drinks/beers, pizza at every corner, free pop from work, easy access to desserts. Man alive. It was HARD. There were days when I felt success and there were too many more where I could feel myself getting so out of control and not caring. This reminds me how it is such a DAILY struggle for me and that I will forever be a foodie. 

Food - 1 
Hill - 0

Now, more exciting news ahead. I CONTINUED MY RUNNING AND RAN AN 8K this summer in my home town! I ran the entire 5 miles and couldn't wipe the smile off my face. My sister decided to run with me and at one point she said:

"Why are you smiling!? It's creeping me out. We are running!"

"Exactly that, Shelb! WE ARE RUNNING AND I AM DOING IT!! CAN YOU EVEN BELIEVE IT?! " A year ago, I never EVER would have pictured myself doing this. I could barely walk without feeling out of breath and now I'm running 5 miles?! It truly is insanity! I'm so happy and feeling accomplished by meeting my goals. 

This is why I have decided to maintain my running by signing up for the Fall Color Run across the Mackinaw Bridge the 1st weekend in October! This will not only help me to keep focusing on my weight loss, but also allowing myself to set another goal. It feels amazing to actually DO it. :) 

And then, here is the craziest idea I've had in a while........I think I'm going to run the River Bank Run in Grand Rapids next spring! I haven't looked up the time/training schedules but I just feel like I can train all year and be ready to go next spring. I really feel like I can do this and hopefully by that time I'll be at my goal weight, which I know will make things easier on all my joints. :)

SO WHO WANTS TO RUN WITH ME!?!??! That's the new challenge. I want a running partner and you wonderful women are my partners in crime. :) 


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sweet Success


I apologize for my long absence. Between school and transitioning home for the summer, I've let my blogging skills slip through the cracks! 

But have no fear, my training has been in full force and as many of you have seen, I AM NOW OFFICIAL 26 POUNDS LIGHTER!!!! I went to the WW meeting with my mom and let me tell you, it was a HOOT. I loved it. I could tell my mom was thrilled to have me there because she kept buzzing around shouting and laughing and pointing at me. She was so excited that I was there and I was so excited to be there. I had an idea that I would be down in my weight this past week but I had NO idea that is was going to be 7 POUNDS!! I literally stood on the scale, shocked! The woman weighing me look shocked too. :) I did a little dance on the scale and hopped off feeling as light as air. People are starting to take notice a little more and it's motivating me more than you can imagine. I was SO happy. I even treated myself to a massage right after. :) HIP HIP HOOOARRRRRY!!! 

Being home has been the biggest blessing. I have been incredible busy with 2 jobs but I also have made time to exercise with my mom and sister and that is a blast! I also am re-motivated with my eating because my mom is also eating well. It has been exactly the kick in the pants that I needed and I feel so strong and excited for life. (It also could be the fact that summer is literally the best thing ever.)

And because you all have been so incredibly supportive over this journey, I want to give you some encouragement as well. 

You are so beautiful. Each one of you. You literally glow with God's light and I feel lucky every time I think of you. Honestly. Each one of you has played a huge role in my life and I don't know where I would be without you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. My words will truly never be enough to adequately thank you for loving me in my highest highs and my lowest lows. Please know that I think of you often and pray for you. I pray that God blesses you richly. You deserve the ENTIRE world. 

Before I go, I also wanted to share a few good tricks that maybe you might want to try! 

Cabbage Salad.  - You can have a HUGE bowl for 3 points! 
Hershey Simple Pleasures - 5 pieces of mouthwatering chocolate for 4 points. TOTALLY WORTH IT. 
Spinach Salad with bright peppers and pickles. - Trust me, it's incredible. 
Sandwich Thins - You can find these at Walmart and they are only 2 points. DELICIOUS! 

Those are my current faves! Let me know if you have good food for me too! 

Monday, May 21, 2012


I honestly wish you could see these blisters on my feet. Apparently when you run often, you get these stupid things on your feet and they hurt like hell. 


I had to wear loaded band-aids and double socks just to make my latest run. I'm guessing that maybe I should take a day off or so but when I get it in my head to run, I just have to do it. It's the weirdest thing. Would you have ever guessed in a million years that I would be motivated to run? Because I sure didn't. :) 

Running has become this interesting challenge for me. I've found myself pushing harder in each run to see how far I can actually go. My latest run was 4 miles! I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT! My legs were burning and I was sweating like a hog but man alive, I DID IT. I never, ever, ever, ever thought that those words would ever come out of my mouth but now that they have, I want to push even further. :)Now, I'm definitely slooooooooooooooow  when running, but I'm doing it. AND THAT'S WHAT COUNTS. 

And then it hit me like a ton of bricks. 

I had just finished a long run and was gloriously basking away in the shower, singing loudly and thinking about what I had just accomplished. I instantly was overcome with so much emotion that I found myself sobbing in the shower. Not because I was tired or sad but because I could see God's hand in my life and how he has changed me and put me in the Yooper for a REASON. There have been so many moments when I look back and know God truly had a hand in everything I was doing, from my car to my house to my job and now to my weight loss. He wanted me up in the UP to make me the HEALTHIER AND STRONGER woman I am becoming. It's incredible to see how he is molding me and growing confidence in me and I had/have nothing to do with it! It's also incredible how I have completely and utterly failed at trusting him with everything pretty much daily and yet he assures me that he has plans for me and  wants to prosper me. How can I forget so quickly when he has truly done wonders for me? 

So today I'm urging you to rest in him because he is growing and changing you too. His timing is perfect and His love is miraculous. Trust that. Even when it's hard. I have no doubt that when you begin to reflect on your own life, you will see His powerful hand all over that beautiful life of yours. 

Here's to food, love, and God's amazing grace. 


Mini WW update:
After my results from last week, losing 3.2 pounds, I am inspired. (Although, I weigh in tomorrow and it's looking like I stayed this same this week. CRAP.) I'm running about 3 miles a day and drinking plenty of water. All good things but my eating has been up and down. I overcompensate with my eating, hoping that my running will balance my tendency to sometimes over-eat. It's an interesting combo that I struggle with daily. Anyone else have this stupid love/hate relationship with food?! 

Would you pray that I would push through and make my newest goal of 25 pounds by June 7th? I have 4 pounds to go! 


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

These {heels} were made for walkin'.

You can't help but love a new pair of heels. I don't know about you, but I feel more confident/sexier/excited/taller when I have them on. With weight loss, it makes my legs look so DAMMMMMNNNNNN enticing. :)  So, a couple of weeks ago, I decided to treat myself to these sweet wedges and man alive, I WANT TO WEAR THEM EVERYDAY. 

In other news, my mother called me a few weekends back to let me know that I have been signed up for a 5k this summer. To some of you, 3 miles sounds like nothing. But to me, LORDHAVEMERCYONMYSOUL is the only thing that could come to mind. I honestly couldn't imagine running 3 minutes let alone 3 miles. But God is good and showed me how my body has changed over the course of this past year. While I was in Holland this past weekend, I RAN, and yes without stopping, 2 miles!!!!! I honestly couldn't believe it. I was pretty giddy the rest of the day. I felt so confident. While my weight loss has been slooooooooooooooowww, my endurance has truly increased and I can't believe what I am capable of! WOOOOHHOOOOO! 

This only furthered my need to push myself, so last night I decided it would be a good idea to kick myself in the rear and do 2 straight hours of Cardio Jam and Zumba classes. Holy wow. I was sweating like no one's business. I came home, showered, and collapsed on my bed. Even if the scale tonight says I stayed the same, I will be SO happy with what I have been able to accomplish. I know it's not all about the numbers. It's my overall health. :) 

Speaking of all this working out, I'm actually about to go and take myself on a run. We shall see tonight how long I can go. :) Let's hope for another two miles. I've mapped it out on so I should be all set to go! I hope you are all doing well. Lots of love to you!


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Eatin' My Greens.

Heeyyyyoooo Friends. :)

Can I just say that going to my Weight Watcher meetings have become one of the highlights of my week. Even when I have not so hot weeks, I can honestly say that I'm making friends.... with woman twice my age and I LOVE IT. :) My two new friends are Gloria and Val. Both are over 60 and spunky as ever. They encourage me to no end, laugh at my jokes, swap fun stories, and only want the best for me. They even gave me their e-mail addresses last week because they really want to stay in touch with me over the summer. How sweet are they?! I think I'm going to take a picture with them on my last day before I leave and then take another one after I come back. Not only to see how much we all have changed but to document our new friendship. It's so fun. I wish you all could be a fly on the wall.

Last week, we talked about eating more greens. Let me tell you, most veggies are on the lowest of my priority list. So this week, I went shopping and literally FILLED my fridge with greens and I'm feeling GREAT. I'm also trying to eat more throughout the day but in smaller portions.

Here are my updated goals:

1) More greens. :)
2) Smaller portions but lots of healthy munchies.
3) Move, move, move.

And as I was re-reading my last post, I realized that I had changed my weight-loss goal to 25 pounds. I think it will be more manageable in the long run. I also realized my offical weight-loss through WW is actually 16. Easter was temptations gone wild. Even still, I feel REALLY good. Life is good. (And I'm starting an ABS class in 2 weeks. Lord have mercy. Here we go.)

Hope things are going well for all of you. Pray for you OFTEN.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

When the goin' gets tough.

The past few weeks have been really hard, especially with Spring Break in the  mix. Sometimes, I want to scream. Weight loss seems agonizingly slow and the differences in my body can be subtle. I get caught up playing the number game most of the time. You know the game I'm talking about. You get on the scale after a few days to notice you're up a 1/2 pound and you can't seem to figure out why. You convince yourself that you shouldn't have eaten this or that and then mope around the rest of the day feeling sorry for yourself and convincing yourself that tomorrow is a new day. You work really hard, eat well, sleep well, excersise well and then get to the scale for weigh in day only to be down a pound. Yes, you're happy that you've beat that stupid little half pound but you're also getting increasingly frustrated at how slow this process is. You add it up in your head that if you're only losing 1 pound a week for a year, you'll only be down 52 pounds and that's much less than you want. And then the week begins again and you battle over and over with yourself to not be in that same mind set and really work on it this week.

Okay - now that you're reading my daily self talk and I take a minute to re-read it as well, you can instantly see that I've been in this funk. It's not healthy to think like that. You, supportive friends of mine, know this. But me, battling every day to "be better" can be draining to say the least. Now, don't get me wrong. I've come a long way from a few short months ago. I'm not out of breath as fast, I am so much more flexible, I eat to be satisfied and never to be so full I feel like I'll bust,  (Which I've actually learned I HATE. :) I see a difference in the way clothes fit me, I have more energy, and I'm beginning to see myself in a new light. It truly is gratifying to know that I'm becoming healthier, thinner. But you all know, the day in and day out of this journey can be more than difficult and recently I've been trapped in that.

These next few weeks, I am going to be working on becoming more positive. I am going to take notice of the good things I see and work to decrease the negative I speak.

Weight update: I got on the scale this morning and hit the lowest number I have seen in a long time! It brought me up to almost 18 pounds! WOWZERS!!! I literally just stared at the number thinking that I had read it wrong. HOLY COW. Now, I imagine Easter will give me a run for my money but here's hoping that I keep the same momentum and push through. My next goal is to hit 30 pounds by the time school gets out! That way, when I see you babes this summer, we can shop for swimsuits. :) CHAAA-CHING!

Happy Easter. God is Good.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Enough Said. :)

I've been meaning to put this up, ladies. :) CHAAA-CHING!! I'm currently at 11 pounds but the ribbon was just so cool I had to share. Can you tell I am motivated by ribbons and shiny things?! :) I'm now hoping to get to 15 by Spring Break. I think I can totally do it!! :) 

LOVE YOU GALS. You're incredible. The support is always felt. <3

Thursday, February 23, 2012

PMS........Pre-Menstrual SUCKAGE

Yes. I said it. I HATE being a female sometimes. Last week was such a roller coaster and it was topped off with our favorite time of the month. Oh you know. 

Which can only mean on thing. 

I ate and ate and ate and did not feel guilty about it until Monday night when I realized I was up a pound. (** Note to all - I lost 2.4 pounds the week before!!) This meaning, I made my 10 and then gained back a pound. CRAP. I think it was the first week I felt really unmotivated and almost wanted to quiet. BUT FEAR NOT. I didn't let PMSUCKAGE get to me. I am bound and determined to get back what I gained and then some.

So here are my goals for the next month: 

1) TRACK MY FOOD. It's honestly harder every week. The first few weeks I was pretty good about it but as the weeks go on, I forget and just "guess". To fix this, I downloaded an app to help me track stuff. I am hoping that this works. 

2) Work out 5 days a week. I have only been working out about 3-4 and I know that if I really want to reach my goal I need to at LEAST do it 5 if not 6 days a week! 

3) Thanks to Lent, the little pop that I was drinking is now no longer going to be a problem. I gave up ALL pop for Lent and I couldn't be happier about this. I'm looking for new drinks that are healthy and have a little taste in them. Any suggestions? 

Keep me in your prayers ladies. You all are in mine. I LOVE YOU. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

I Believe In You and Me

My friends, 

Have you seen the Weight Watcher commercial with Jennifer Hudson before and after? :) The first time I saw it I was totally blown away. I honestly never thought much about J. Hudson before she lost the weight because now when I think about her, I think about how great she looks. But I realized once I saw this commercial she had a "before" too. She didn't always look the way she does. She had to work hard to get the body she has now. I think sometimes I forget that it just isn't a flip of a switch and I'll be bikini ready. It takes time, energy, and dedication. 

And let me tell you, I'm beginning to feel that in my bones. I feel more motivated than I have ever been and while results are slower, I'm still so excited. You know what I'm excited for? :D Let me just tell you, girlfriend:

1) The first time I see one of you girls after many months apart ( or anyone of our dear friends that I haven't seen in a while) and for someone to ask, "Have you lost weight?" I CAN'T WAIT TO SAY YES!!!!!!

2) Buying a bikini for the FIRST time in my life. (Not that I plan on wearing it because I think I'll still be very self conscious about my figure and the fact that my stomach has never seen the light of day!) I just want to have options and colors and sizes to choose from. I want to finally feel like a girl. I'm excited for that moment. 

3) Walking into a Kohls, JCPenny, Target, etc and KNOWING I can buy a piece of clothing. You would be surprised to know that those stores don't really carry a lot of XL or XXL. You wouldn't, really, if you're not that size but to the bigger girls, it's annoying to know your options are very limited in clothing. Maurices and Old Navy are really the only places I feel  I can get cute clothes my size. (Next time you're in a store, take a look. I think you'll be surprised at your findings.)

4) A difference in the way men treat me. ( I would go on a rant about this fact, but it would be so long. Just know that I think it's wrong to judge by appearance. It is so superficial but we ALL do it. I wish it wasn't that way. I DON'T want men to start noticing me just because I'm thinner than I was but I'm pretty sure that's about to happen and I just want to scream: I AM THE SAME PERSON SO WHY DIDN'T YOU LIKE ME BEFORE?!?!? I know what you're thinking right now. You don't sound happy about this. You sound mad. In a way, I am but in a sick selfish way, I am excited to potentially see a difference.

5) Last but not least, BEING HEALTHY FOR THE FIRST TIME. Having energy to be the best person I can be. That really is the most exciting part of this whole process. I want to around to see my future family. To see all of your beautiful faces. 

Thank you all, for loving me just the way I am and taking this journey with me. I feel you all often and miss you even more. 

**One last update: I weigh in tomorrow. I'm hoping to have lost 2 pounds, bringing my new total to almost 10 pounds in the past month! YEAHH! That's my goal. 10 pounds a month! Also - I currently am 18 pounds lighter than I was last year at this time! CHAAA-CHING!!!!


Saturday, January 28, 2012

Is there an app for that?

Boy does time fly. I have been feeling incredibly guilty for not writing sooner than 2 months and I could give you the same old excuses about being busy and not having time but that would be a lie.

I've been lazy and selfish. I've wanted an app to do the writing for me. I didn't feel like writing a bunch of crap that you wouldn't want to read and that I dreaded writing. I didn't want to use the fluff.

But during the course of Christmas break, I had this breaking point. I realized that I need accountability. Talking with a few of you lovely women over New Years got me thinking. I have such support all over the country and it is a blessing to know that I am prayed for and thought about often but I needed something more. I needed something to keep me accountable here, in Cedarville. I needed to face my fears once and for all. My weight wasn't getting any better. I was very much at a stand still, using excuses like school to overlook my laziness.

Seriously... Why can't there be an app for that too?

And so.... I prayed that God would open a door for me. I wanted him to hit me in the face with an answer because I had been spending too much time avoiding truth.


A few weeks ago I had been browsing online to see if there would be a Weight Watchers meeting near me. Sure enough, God's answer, Part 1 - A WW meeting was starting the following week at First Union Church on Tuesday nights. I can practically walk out my door and be at the church. Plus, it was one of the few nights I don't have anything in my schedule.

God's awesomeness, Part II - The class required you pay for the entire 20 week series up front. 174 bucks. Ouch. BUT GOD KNEW I NEEDED THAT ACCOUNTABILITY. Now how to come up with the extra funds? Oh wait.....

God's faithfulness, Part III - School reimburses me for my travel for professional development days and they wrote me a check THAT WEEK for 152 bucks!!!!! I THREW A PARTY.

Needless to say, God truly did hit me in the face and I couldn't be more excited about it. Week 1 done- 4 pounds lighter and going strong. :)

So here's to you, my beloved friends. God is faithful in everything. Just pray and know that you are HIS.

Much love.